
Meet some of my friends

I haven't posted for a while because I've taken a few trips (Bay Area, Monterey, Santa Cruz) that have pictures waiting to post, but they all require stories that I have to sit down for a while to tell. With my new teaching job, those moments are preciously few. So I'm spending my Friday evening to sit down and tell you about some of my blog friends. This is a "shout out" and "big up" to all those people's blogs that I like to read and an attempt to share them with you, too.

This first one is Geoffrey Philp. We met in cyberspace while I was blogging in Japan. I'd subscribed to a feed of caribbean blogs to keep up with news on the ground over there. Geoffrey had recently written about a soccer match he'd played with Bob Marley. I wrote a post about it, he found it, and we began a dialogue which has continued on and off to this day. Geoffrey is an author who lives, writes, and teaches in Miami, Florida.

Pickeled Eel is another interesting story. I don't know how I found his blog, but he writes about his travels, like me, but on a bigger scale of audiences. I was surprised to find out that he's currently on location in Iraq now. Check out his blog for some interesting footage and narration.

Red Squirrel is a linguistics student at Moscow State University. I think we met through the mybloglog feature that puts the pictures of registered users in a panel when they've visited my blog. Its a great way to make blogging correspondences a little more personal. Maria writes about her studies, interactions with Russian language, culture, and people. All of these things I miss since I studied at St. Petersburg State University ten years ago.

A recent blog friend I've made is Ulla. We actually met face to face via my friends Travis and Joy Long, who also happen to run their own blog about home improvement after 9-5 jobs in Pacific Grove. It was actually the first live conversation I'd had in a room where everyone else kept a blog. We got to talk shop for a few minutes, and its from Ulla that I got the idea to link to more blogs and make more comments on others blogs. An interesint thing about Ulla is that she's an Icelandic-American who runs a design company with her sister and blogs about cooking.

Hippie Gypsy runs an interesting blog musing about whatever comes to mind. She always has something kind to say.

And one last blog that I enjoy peeking in on from time to time is "Back to Living in Paradise". Lee is an expat American living in Belize. She's just dodged her second hurricane in as many week. She's got a great sense of humor and writes about the Caribbean life that I miss from my years in Jamaica.


Geoffrey Philp said...

Dear Jeff,

How are you? It's been a long time.
Yes, blogging has opened up a whole new world and I am glad I found your blog and friendship. I love reading about your adventures in teaching, traveling and, well, life!

Thank you for the links and I will check out the links to the other links.

Until such time, take care, Jeff


Pickledeel said...

Hi Jeff,

I do like that photo - have I said that before? I am not sure how you found me either but I really appreciated the comment you left on the PickledEel Site. Readers often just scan - that is OK, I often do that too. But you touch a valid point - that there are real people behind the Iraq news. Prompted me to draft up a piece to that effect which I will post up tomorrow. And I just see now that you have mentioned my blog in your own - thanks for that.
In the mean time will take a prowl around your blog.
Pickled Eel
(who happens to the thoroughly enjoying his time in Baghdad - am I allowed to admit that?)

alphawoman said...

Thank you for the nod!! Seems like I am in good company.

Countries I have visited

Where I've been in the USA